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Strategic Professional Level

This level is more emphasised to real time business World.


Strategic Business Leader (SBL)

Case scenario based understanding on how to demonstrate different business aspects into organisation for a better scaling functioning.

Strategic Business Reporting (SBR)

Reporting is addressed more in complex in order to have deeper understanding of business transactions representation.


Advanced Financial Management (AFM)

Understanding of Financial aspects of businesses and their management at extended level.

Advanced Performance Management (APM)

Organisation’s performance and development measures leveraging management accounting Procedures in different business scenarios.

Advanced Taxation (ATX)

Tax law application for individuals and businesses and recommendations based on tax interpretation.

Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA)

Application of audit procedures and assurance practices and their roles in business regulations.

After completing the strategic professional level Students are awarded the ACCA affiliate status with further fulfilling the ( PER ) practical experience requirements of 36 months in order to become the full fledged ACCA member.